Bonnie Underfoot

Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there.
I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that swiftly blow.
I am the diamond glint
on newly fallen snow.
I am the sunlight
on ripened grain.
I am the soft and gentle autumn rain.
When you wake from sleep in the early morning hush,
I am the swift, uplifting rush
of quiet birds in circling flight.
I am the soft, starlight at night.
Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there.
I do not sleep.
Labels: Farewell Sweet Cranky Bonnie
It was so sudden and heartbreakingly sad. We will miss Bonnie.
We're so furry sad 'bout Bonnie.
Huggs and purrrs.
Me, too. Me, too. {{{{{hugs}}}}}
Thank you so much, my tabby furiends! Bonnie was a grate cat, and will be sorely missed. ((((HUGS))))
Beautiful tribute..
We will miss Bonnie..
Goodbye forrr now Miss Bonnie, but we shall meet you the brrridge.
Purrrs and purrrayerrrs to yourrr family.
Good bye for now Bonnie...
and Grace
Very big purrs from us in Texas!!!
We are very sad. We didn't see this before. That is a beautiful poem and we hope to see Bonnie at the Rainbow Bridge someday.
What was the BWE story about me? I'm not sure if I have seen it but am curious now. Thanks!
Chase the cat
It's always sad. The world is just that little bit less beautiful and your life that little bit less full.
Dennis saw Bonnie on other blogs, goodbye again sweet Bonnie. Sweet Dreams
I am so sad, but glad you had the joy of her for as long as you did.
Happy New Year 2009! ARe you still keeping up this blog?
Absolutely beautiful poem. From my family to yours, we are sorry for your loss.
Hi, hope you don't mind totally stray strangers dropping in and meowing here... your poem is lovely and from afar we mourn with you the passing of a friend.
I was wondering if there were any cat oriented blogs out there... now I know, the answer is yes!
It would be a great honor if you and any feline friendly friends were to pay a visit to my humble blog abode in France to meow a hello to any of the cats I just posted this past week, and there are more under "Cat Photographs" in the chaotic index...
If you had the follower gadget, I would happily sign up to follow.
Again, your poem is beautiful, it makes me think too of a piece Bob Dylan did similar to "I'm not there", meaning he'd already moved on...
I'm so sorry to hear about Bonnie -- many vibes for her trip to the Rainbow Bridge.
Beautiful poem, So sorry about Bonnie but I know she is in your heart forever
Everyday Cat Visitor
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